Biennial 2024

Meet us for the 4th International Biennial of the "Éducation Nouvelle" from october 30th to november 2nd, in NANTES ! A Biennial for meeting, confronting, exchanging, debating, sharing.

Meetings are planned this year with Edwy Plenel and Monique Pinçon-Charlot !

The "Éducation Nouvelle" facing today's challenges

Organisators movements decided to set up a formation with the theme : « The "Éducation Nouvelle" facing today's challenges ». This formation, lead by an international team - under Philippe Meirieu's coordination - will take place from Sunday, October 27th to Tuesday, October 29th in the same place than the Biennial.

2024 Biennial's presentation

Dates : from October 30th to November 2nd

Place : Lycée Agricole de Saint Herblain (44)

« The "Éducation Nouvelle" facing today's challenges » : an international formation session

Organisators movements decided to set up a formation with the theme : « The "Éducation Nouvelle" facing today's challenges ». This formation, lead by an international team - under Philippe Meirieu's coordination - will take place from Sunday, October 27th to Tuesday, October 29th in the same place than the Biennial.

This formation is broken down as follows : a trainers' formation session (30 people) in October 27th and 28th and the a militant's day (100 people) for the one who want to discover and to become familiar with the "Éducation Nouvelle" in October 29th.

Trainers' formation participants will build the militants' day.

Biennial's organisation

5 structuring axes :

  1. "Éducation Nouvelle" and socially marked school failure
  2. "Éducation Nouvelle", popular education, global education
  3. Privatisation, merchandising, cooperation and internationalism
  4. "Éducation Nouvelle" in the face of ecological challenges
  5. "Éducation Nouvelle" in the face of rise of populism and authoritarianism

Workshops :

  • Practice-sharing workshops. A team presents a practice and then animate an exchange with participants (questions, analysis, ...).
  • Practice-exchanges workshops. On a given theme, participants are invited - horizontally - to confront their pedagogics practices.
  • Practice workshops. A team suggest a practice, a setting in motion and then animate a review, analysis and exchanging time.
  • « resource » workshops. Hosting a researcher who presents his/her work, organizing a round-table discussion about a given subject with "resource" people, a "meeting with", a commented exhibition ...

And also references' groups ; on place : the possibility to purpose meetings ; cultural and discovering environment's dimension ; party ; ...

A new project : towards a first pooling of publications

 In order to progress on boosting synergies between differents movements' magazines and to vitalise a mutualisation way of documentary resources, a project will be open during the Biennial. Militants from interested organizations, knowing resources of their movement, will work together from collected resources by every organization et will build commons thematic files about Biennial's 5 axes. They will be invited to start a collaboration's dynamic durable. this group will mobilize identified people in differents organizations who wants to particpate at this project.

The world we want the values we stand for

Convergence(s)'s manifesto