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Convergence(s) pour l'Éducation Nouvelle
Debates 1 and 3
First group of debates : Wednesday, October 30, 2:30 to 4:30 pm
Axes 1 and 3
Convergence(s) pour l'Éducation Nouvelle
2024 biennial opening speech
Convergence(s) of New Education was founded in 2021, to mark the centenary of the first founding congress of the International League for New Education. After two initial meetings in 2017 and 2019 in Poitiers, which preceded this centenary, we realised that we needed to come together to defend, promote and develop New Education in our societies.
Convergence(s) pour l'Éducation Nouvelle
Debates 1 and 3
First group of debates : Wednesday, October 30, 2:30 to 4:30 pm
Axes 1 and 3
Convergence(s) pour l'Éducation Nouvelle
2024 biennial opening speech
Convergence(s) of New Education was founded in 2021, to mark the centenary of the first founding congress of the International League for New Education. After two initial meetings in 2017 and 2019 in Poitiers, which preceded this centenary, we realised that we needed to come together to defend, promote and develop New Education in our societies.